Saturday, September 02, 2006


Red X appears instead of image? (Ask Bob Rankin)

IF you need programs let me help
Maybe I can recommend or even offer one.
Oh and if none of this helps maybe all you really needed to do in the first place. Is pack a nice snack you know nothing too heavy a few sandwhich's, maybe some left over pizza. a few bags of chips, some chocolate for energy.
Oh yea and a bottle of your fav beverage.
In case you need something to wash it down.
Then kiss your friends and loved ones good bye for a few hours.
Drive to the air port and on your way you can stop at 7-11 for more food if you want.
By then you probably ate what you had packed anyway. Donuts would be nice.
Ever notice ALL the idiots are always on the road the same time you are?
Then you can try and convince the air port security you are really NOT a terrorist.
By drinking the beverage you so carefully packed.
As you watch them store your precious goodies under the plane.
But the good news is! There is a inflight MEAL!!!
AND you can get free peanuts!!!
More goodies for your trip!!
Finally you arrive in the desert.
Where your AOL Tech is sleeping at his lap top.
Walk up and kick him squarly in the BUTT and tell him to get to work and FIX IT!!

Red X appears instead of image? (Ask Bob Rankin)

IF you need programs let me help
Maybe I can recommend or even offer one.
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Friday, July 21, 2006


What Does it Look Like? What Does it DO?

As for what it Does?

Well it Does Everything But hit the Send button for you.

Each area has a drop down menu with Lots of exciting features to chose from.

AND Each of Those lead to More and more and the list is growing ever single day!

You can upload images with it.

 So you can share them on the web.

You will always have a copy of the update too.

NOTES are sent directly to you and do not clutter your email.

There is a Chat room available for your use as well as a Feature to help organize your Email IF you have Yahoo, Hotmail or Gmail etc. It notifies you of mail.

When ever I find something I feel you may like on it I add it.

But, the cool thing is?

You have full control. 

Because you see This is what my Tool bar looks like.

You may decide to click Tool bar Options on this first menu.

And Change it. It automatically updates.

But, YOU are in control. 

<< Home

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HOW MANY Do I have to Make?
That one is easy. you have to make 1
every week.
TO prove you are alive for one thing.
Also it is the only fair that you share something
if you are going to enjoy what everyone else is sending.
What if I cannot find anything to send?
Go to one of our many web sites.
There are plenty of things to share there.
You will find links to those on this site as well.
What if I just do not have enough time to send this week?
Go on Hold until you can send.
OK SO What CAN I send?
Well you can send Jokes, Songs, Tags, Programs, Games,
copies of your electric bill if you want too.
Just do not expect us to pay it for you.
What CAN'T I send?
Well not to much of anything really.
We do not want to see how much
your Uncle Elmer loves his Pet Hog Wilber
unless they are both fully dressed.
We do not want to see ANYONE
abusing or defiling
children in any way.
We do not want to see
shit throwing, catching etc
In other words leave the kids and the animals
and the shit alone and you will be just Fine!
But IF your going to send anything that shows graphic
nudity etc: Please mark it AC.
We do not want any children
catching a peek!!
Can I send my lists AD?
If you keep it small and within reason yes.
provided you also use our disclaimer in every send!
*Leaders reserve the right to bitch and/or revoke your right to this if abused
May I forward things from another list to this one?
As long as the list you are forwading the mail from does not mind.
We do not mind.
But you must state it is being forwarded with permission.
In each send and you must include our disclaimer in each send.
*Leaders reserve the right to bitch and/or revoke your right to this if abused
May I Forward EZHO Mail?
You may forward anything that is not marked do not forward.
But, You may NEVER ever Forward anything marked
Do not forward esp DND's
I do not like my mail being Forwarded Do I have to?
NO, IF you do not want your sends forwarded.
Simply mark it Do NOT Forward.
I like the looks of the EZho Disclimer can I use it in my other mail?
NO! IT is ours we designed it and we are selfish that way.
Besides it can cause us serious problems.
I heard of a Virus and or some other kind of warning or alert can I send it?
As long as you have checked it with Urban Legends Reference Pages .
And they say it seems to be factual yes.
But, Please Check first.
Or send it to a forwarder to be checked
BEFORE sending it!!Remember that little lost 2 year old girl?
Is probably a grandmother by now.
How do I know what people want me to send?
Who cares!What ever you send someone is going to not like it.But, the good news is someone else will!AND it could be exactly what they have been searching for!
So send it and have FUN!
I have a charity or share is that OK.
Yes, Provided it is not offensive in nature.
For example something that would violate one of the other rules.
Or would in some way hinder or hurt the list or members there of.
AND it is NOT done for personal profit.
*Leaders reserve the right to bitch and/or revoke your right to this if abused.
I own a busniess or sorts may I advertise in my email?
Not unless it is approved by ALL of the leaders.
We are not here to become a marketing tool for ANYONE.
But, we do realize there are exceptions to every rule and we try to be reasonable.

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